New doooo.

You guys! I graduated a couple weeks ago from COLLEGE! (yes, blog to come soon of that!) but before all that… I decided to cut my hair right before graduation. 5 inches! This is a huge deal for me because I have been growing my hair out for about 3 years… sad moment, I know. But I thought what the heck, my life is about to change in so many ways so why not have this be the beginning of something new! So its been a few weeks of having it, and I still love it! of course I miss my long hair but hey! Change is GOOD! A lot of people told me that I was going to hate it after a couple days because I will get bored with the style, won’t know what to do with short hair and blah blah blah. I still love it! I love going on Pinterest and searching new hair tutorials! Here are a few photos to show y’all how my hair looks now!  If your thinking of cutting your hair or have always wanted to but haven’t had the courage, well I encourage you to do it! Yes it takes some getting use to but hey, if I can do it so can you!

Hair | Salon Cheveux

Shoes | Converse

Dress | Forever 21

Lips | Sonia Kashuk | Dahlia 01

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